*====================================================================* *WIERSEMA & BOWEN SMJ Limited Dependent Variable (2007) procedures * *====================================================================* * Estimate Logit model logit patent ceo_dst * Predict probability of patent, store values in variable pprob predict pprob * Define expression for X’s marginal effect to use in predictnl command * Save marginal effect values in meX; standard error values in meX se local vb b[ cons] + b[X]*X + b[Z]*Z local phat (exp(‘vb’)/(1+exp(‘vb’))) predictnl meX = ‘phat’*(1-‘phat’)* b[X], se(meX se) * Compute z-statistic values and store in variable z stat gen z stat = meX/meX se * print summary statistics for marginal effect and z-statistic values tabstat meX z stat, stats(mean min max) * Graph marginal effect and z-statistic values (Figure 1) graph twoway (scatter meX pprob) || /// (scatter z stat pprob, yaxis(2)yline (−1.96 1.96, axis(2))) * Compute and save sample means of variables X and Z egen meanX = mean(X) egen meanZ = mean(Z) * Determine value and significance of marginal effect at data means local vb b[ cons] + b[X]*meanX + b[Z] *meanZ local phat (exp(‘vb’)/(1+exp(‘vb’))) nlcom meX means: ‘phat’*(1-‘phat’)* b[X] nlcom meZ means: ‘phat’*(1-‘phat’)* b[Z]