Below is what I used but I am uncertain about. Can anyone tell me whether I am right? What is the type of trend test (it said score test but I need more info)? Is there other command to perform trend test?
Many thanks!
set up data
To calculate incidence rate by age group:
To test for trend of incidence rate over time
Below is the result of stmh:
Many thanks!
set up data
stset fromps_topsadx, failure(psa) id(studyid)
stptime, at (20(20)60)
stsplit age_group_by10, at(10 20 30 40 50) stmh age_group_by10
. stmh age_group_by10 failure _d: psa analysis time _t: fromps_topsadx id: studyid Score test for trend of rates with age_group_by10 with an approximate estimate of the rate ratio for a one unit increase in age_group_by10 RR estimate, and lower and upper 95% confidence limits ---------------------------------------------------------- RR chi2 P>chi2 [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------------------------------------------------- 1.028 58.16 0.0000 1.021 1.036 ----------------------------------------------------------