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  • Multiplying values within the same variable given conditions

    Hello everyone,

    Below, you will find a structure of a similar dataset that i am using. The data consists of all companies present in a given year for the period 1996-2015. Also the company's industry code is known, as well as the city's yearly growth. I am trying to generate the total growth of a city between 1996 - 1998 by multiplying the yearly growth numbers from - GrowthYear -. This will be put in the variable - Growth1996_1998 -. The variable - Growth1996_1998 - will thus be the same all observations that have the same city where the years fall between 1996-1999. Obviously, i can not multiply every value found in the -GrowthYear - variable, as this will lead to an overestimation of the growth between 1996 and 1998. Therefore, i want to multiply the values from - Growthyear - where - CompanyNumber - < 2 & - Year - < 1999 so that each yearly growth number is represented only once in the end result. Finally, i want the value for -Growth1996_1998- to be equal for all companies across years and all industries that are located in the city for the period 1996-1998. This is represented as the Xs, Ys, and "." found in the dataset under - Growth1996_1998 -

    I have found the code suggested in a similar, but easier example (see link below). Unfortunately, this did not work for my database.
    HTML Code:
    City Year Industry_code CompanyNumber GrowthYear Growth1996_1998
    A 1996 1 1 1.025 X
    A 1996 1 2 1.025 X
    A 1996 1 3 1.025 X
    A 1996 2 1 1.025 X
    A 1996 2 2 1.025 X
    A 1997 1 1 0.98 X
    A 1997 1 2 0.98 X
    A 1997 1 3 0.98 X
    A 1997 1 4 0.98 X
    A 1997 2 1 0.98 X
    A 1997 2 2 0.98 X
    A 1997 3 1 0.98 X
    A 1997 3 2 0.98 X
    A 1997 3 3 0.98 X
    A 1998 1 1 1.02 X
    A 1998 2 1 1.02 X
    B 1996 1 1 1.01 Y
    B 1996 2 1 1.01 Y
    B 1996 3 1 1.01 Y
    B 1996 3 2 1.01 Y
    B 1997 1 1 1.03 Y
    B 1997 1 1 1.03 Y
    B 1997 2 2 1.03 Y
    B 1997 2 2 1.03 Y
    B 1998 1 1 1.10 Y
    B 1998 2 1 1.10 Y
    B 1998 2 2 1.10 Y
    B 1999 1 1 0.95 .
    B 1999 2 1 0.95 .
    I hope that someone can help me out. Feel free to ask any question.

    Kind regards,
