svyset and the other svy commands in Stata apply only to random samples of a defined finite population. Random samples are selected with random numbers. Your n= 40 patients of each types were obviously not selected by random sampling, Therefor no survey sampling analysis is appropriate.
If a simple random sample of size \(n\) is drawn from a population of knwon size \(N\), the probability of selection if \(n/N\) and the sampling weight would be:
wt = \frac{N}{n}
For a brief introduction to random sampling see the introduction to survey commands in the Survey manual.
If a simple random sample of size \(n\) is drawn from a population of knwon size \(N\), the probability of selection if \(n/N\) and the sampling weight would be:
wt = \frac{N}{n}
For a brief introduction to random sampling see the introduction to survey commands in the Survey manual.