This is text before any code: I am going to get a subset of records from auto.dta using dataex and then check for outliers.
Following is the output from dataex in the results window, which I will paste in my do file editor and run the code to generate a dataset of 10 random rows from auto.dta:
Next, check for outliers:
Posting now; fingers crossed.
sysuse auto randomtag, count(10) ge(mark) dataex if mark
clear input float id str18 make int(price mpg rep78) float headroom int(trunk weight length turn displacement) float gear_ratio byte(foreign mark) 6 "Buick LeSabre" 5788 18 3 4 21 3670 218 43 231 2.73 0 1 8 "Buick Regal" 5189 20 3 2 16 3280 200 42 196 2.93 0 1 12 "Cad. Eldorado" 14500 14 2 3.5 16 3900 204 43 350 2.19 0 1 29 "Merc. Bobcat" 3829 22 4 3 9 2580 169 39 140 2.73 0 1 34 "Merc. Zephyr" 3291 20 3 3.5 17 2830 195 43 140 3.08 0 1 38 "Olds Delta 88" 4890 18 4 4 20 3690 218 42 231 2.73 0 1 51 "Pont. Phoenix" 4424 19 . 3.5 13 3420 203 43 231 3.08 0 1 57 "Datsun 210" 4589 35 5 2 8 2020 165 32 85 3.7 1 1 71 "VW Diesel" 5397 41 5 3 15 2040 155 35 90 3.78 1 1 73 "VW Scirocco" 6850 25 4 2 16 1990 156 36 97 3.78 1 1 end label values foreign origin label def origin 0 "Domestic", modify label def origin 1 "Foreign", modify
su weight, de ge zweight = (weight-r(mean))/(r(sd)/sqrt(r(N))) count if zweight >= 3 & zweight < . count if zweight <= 3