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  • Usage of sax12 with X13 Arima

    This is my first post on the statalist and therefore before publishing in the official forum, I want to check whether it looks as intended.

    Dear all,
    I wanted to use sax12, but it's based on X12 Arima from Census Bureau. This software is not available anymore, as there is a new version (X13). The page to which papers related to sax12 redirect is unavailable. Therefore a question before I start investing time in getting X13 Arima - is sax12 going to work with x13 arima? If not, is there currently any package available to run seasonal adjustments in Stata?
    I know I could download x12 from a third party server, but I am in a big organisation, where installing a software by an IT department can take days and requires a line of approvals. Having the software from Census Bureau would work, having it from whatever "good programs" or similar site is definitely a no-go.
    Thanks in advance,