I'm getting an error using the append option for esttab. Here's the code:
Here's the error message:
Here's the relevant part of the documentation:
Am I just missing something obvious here?
eststo clear eststo dadwhite: qui reg schooling dad_schooling if $insamp & white_79 ==1,vce(cluster HHID_1979) eststo dadblack: qui reg schooling dad_schooling if $insamp & black_79 ==1,vce(cluster HHID_1979) eststo dadwhsons: qui reg schooling dad_schooling if $insamp & white_79 ==1 & SAMPLE_SEX_1979 ==1,vce(cluster HHID_1979) esttab dadwhite dadblack dadwhsons using $opath/EE79.csv, mtitles label replace se csv r2 nostar append
. esttab dadwhite dadblack dadwhsons using $opath/EE79.csv, mtitles label replace se csv r2 nostar
> append
option append not allowed
> append
option append not allowed
replace overwrite an existing file
append append the output to an existing file
type force printing the table in the Results window
noisily display the executed estout command
replace overwrite an existing file
append append the output to an existing file
type force printing the table in the Results window
noisily display the executed estout command