Dear Statalisters,
I am trying to convert an age variable into a variable for age groups as follows 1-5 ; 6-10 ; 11-15 ; ... I am using Stata 13.1 and using the user-written code cleanchars after the command egen cut as follows:
I obtained the following output:
I am probably missing something very basic I could not figure out. Any help will be highly appreciated.
I am trying to convert an age variable into a variable for age groups as follows 1-5 ; 6-10 ; 11-15 ; ... I am using Stata 13.1 and using the user-written code cleanchars after the command egen cut as follows:
* Creating dummies for age groups clear set obs 500 set more off gen age=int(100*runiform())+1 sum age local mn = r(min) local mx = r(max) forvalues bot=`mn'(5)`mx' { local top = `bot'+4 gen age`bot'to`top' = age >= `bot' & age <= `top' } * converting age variable into age groups egen agegroup = cut(age), at(1 (5) 101) label forvalues i = 1(5)96 { local j = `i'+ 4 cleanchars , in("`i'-") out("`i'-`j'") vlab vval values } #
agegroup: 0 1-5 1 6-10 2 11-155 3 16-2010 4 21-255 5 26-3010 6 31-355 7 36-4010 8 41-455 9 46-5010 10 51-555 11 56-6010 12 61-655 13 66-7010 14 71-755 15 76-8010 16 81-855 17 86-9010 18 91-955 19 96-10 20 101-5 name or _all required #