Curiously, in the almost 20 year use of -ralloc- nobody has ever asked me this.
First, the combination of the treatment allocation file and a patient file was never in the scope of -ralloc-. (However strange that may sound.)
Second, the example file -raltest6.dta- is used by -ralloc- to set the design paramters of the treatment allocation file. It has nothing (directly) to do with patients.
To do what Gaby wishes requires a merging of the -ralloc- produced treatment allocation file and a patient list in, presumably, another stata .dta file. If there are no strata involved, then a straightforward 1:1 sequential merge should do it, with the treatment file as the master file and the patient file as the using file. But I suspect that Gaby will have strata defined, say, hospital and/or agegroup and/or sex.
A challenge here is that we would like to -merge- on the stratum identifiers but this requires a sort on those variables and this will almost certainly disrupt the original treatment allocation order (defined by blocks and sequence within blocks). I believe the best way to cope with this is to disaggregate both the treatment file and the patient file into stratum specific files. As far as the treatment file goes, -ralloc- will do this automatically with the -multif- option. It is not hard to do this with a patient file.
To demonstrate how a scheme might work I offer the following code, based on a small data set.
/* assume, just as an example: randomisation schema file is raltest_x.dta aggregated random treatment allocation file will be randomRx.dta there are 2 stratum variables (centre and agegrp, with 3 and 2 strata resp.) stratum specific random allocation files (3x2=6) are produced by ralloc ralloc command is: ralloc b s t, saving(randomRx) using(raltest_x) count(freq) idvar(RxID) multif aggregated patient file name is patient_list.dta each observation in data file patient_list.dta will have a unique patient name or identifier and that patient's stratum value(s). The stratum variable names must be the same as those in the random treatment allocation file produced by -ralloc-, here, centre and agegrp. stratum specific patient files will be named pat_list_i_j.dta */ ** create raltest_x.dta with 3 centres and 2 age groups ** clear input byte(centre agegrp freq) 1 1 4 1 2 6 2 1 4 2 2 7 3 1 3 3 2 4 end save raltext_x, replace ** run -ralloc- and create stratum-specific treatment allocation files ** ralloc b s t, saving(randomRx) using(raltest_x) count(freq) idvar(RxID) multif ** create patient_list.dta ** clear input byte(centre agegrp) str6 name 1 1 "Jim" 1 2 "Mary" 1 1 "Bob" 1 1 "Claire" 2 1 "Tim" 2 2 "Debbie" 3 2 "Claude" 3 1 "Kevin" 3 2 "Dave" 3 1 "Ben" end save patient_list, replace ** make some local macros (one for each stratum variable in the patient file) ** summ centre, meanonly local max_cent = r(max) summ agegrp, meanonly local max_age = r(max) ** Make stratum specific data files from the original aggregated patient file ** clear forvalues i=1/`max_cent' { forvalues j=1/`max_age' { use patient_list, clear d keep if centre==`i' & agegrp==`j' l save pat_`i'_`j', replace } } ** merge each stratum specific patient file with its matching treatment file ** ** use a sequential merge - original order of observations in randomRx files ** ** must NOT be altered by any -merge- that requires a =sort- ** forvalues i=1/`max_cent' { forvalues j=1/`max_age' { use randomRx_`i'_`j' merge 1:1 _n using pat_`i'_`j' save ranpat_`i'_`j', replace } } ** append the stratum specific files back into one aggregated file** clear forvalues i=1/`max_cent' { forvalues j=1/`max_age' { append using ranpat_`i'_`j' save ranpat_all, replace } } ** now be certain the original allocation sequence has been preserved ** sort b Seq list ** and you may wish eventually to: -keep if _merge==3-