This question is related to another question I found on this forum.
Like the author of that question, I am also testing two binary logistic regression models, both of which have vce(cluster) specified to account for intraclass clustering at the classroom level. In my case, I am trying to determine whether or not I should include a categorical x categorical interaction of the two categorical independent variables in my model. One of my independent variables (Phase) has three levels (0,1,2) ; the other (Semester) has two levels (0,1).
I can't use a likelihood ratio chi2 test (--lrtest--) to test the significance of the interaction because of the clustering and so am trying to follow the advice which says to use a Wald test. However, I'm not sure whether I have run and interpreted the Wald test correctly since, if I'm not mistaken, my code is not really testing the overall significance of the interaction in the model but only the difference relative to the base (reference) level.
I see that the Wald chi2 for the model with the interaction increased: (Wald chi2[5] = 49.58) versus (Wald chi2[3] = 20.15. The pseudo R2 also increased (although it's still quite low): 0.0174 versus 0.0172. The coefficient on Phase 3 is no longer significant.
After reading another forum post (I seem to have lost the link, sorry!), I also explored the AIC and BIC (n=2412). I don't know how applicable they are in this instance, but I saw that the model without the interaction has slightly lower AIC and BIC values.
All in all, would I be correct in concluding that I don't need the interaction in the model? Is there another way I should be using the Wald test? (If so, what is the correct syntax?)
Thanks in advance for your help!
This question is related to another question I found on this forum.
Like the author of that question, I am also testing two binary logistic regression models, both of which have vce(cluster) specified to account for intraclass clustering at the classroom level. In my case, I am trying to determine whether or not I should include a categorical x categorical interaction of the two categorical independent variables in my model. One of my independent variables (Phase) has three levels (0,1,2) ; the other (Semester) has two levels (0,1).
I can't use a likelihood ratio chi2 test (--lrtest--) to test the significance of the interaction because of the clustering and so am trying to follow the advice which says to use a Wald test. However, I'm not sure whether I have run and interpreted the Wald test correctly since, if I'm not mistaken, my code is not really testing the overall significance of the interaction in the model but only the difference relative to the base (reference) level.
. logit DFW i.PHASE_ i.SEMESTER_, vce(cluster STRM_SECT) allbase nolog or . estimates store a . logit DFW i.PHASE_ i.SEMESTER_ PHASE_#SEMESTER_, vce(cluster STRM_SECT) allbase nolog or . test a a not found r(111); . test 1.PHASE_#1.SEMESTER_ 2.PHASE_#1.SEMESTER_ ( 1) [DFW]1.PHASE_#1.SEMESTER_ = 0 ( 2) [DFW]2.PHASE_#1.SEMESTER_ = 0 chi2( 2) = 0.41 Prob > chi2 = 0.8165
After reading another forum post (I seem to have lost the link, sorry!), I also explored the AIC and BIC (n=2412). I don't know how applicable they are in this instance, but I saw that the model without the interaction has slightly lower AIC and BIC values.
. * clear past estimates . est clear . * Model 0: Intercept only . quietly logit DFW, vce(cluster STRM_SECT) or . est store M0 . * Model 1: PHASE added . quietly logit DFW i.PHASE_, vce(cluster STRM_SECT) or . est store M1 . * Model 2: PHASE + SEMESTER . quietly logit DFW i.PHASE_ i.SEMESTER_, vce(cluster STRM_SECT) or . est store M2 . * Model 3: PHASE + SEMESTER + PHASE#SEMESTER . quietly logit DFW i.PHASE_ i.SEMESTER_ i.PHASE_#i.SEMESTER_, vce(cluster STRM_SECT) or . est store M3 . * Table of results . est table M0 M1 M2 M3, stats(chi2 df N aic bic rank) star(.05 .01 .001) eform varwidth(24) style(nolines) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable M0 M1 M2 M3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHASE_ Phase 2 .79809394 .85430332 .92232566 Phase 3 .4898581** .47872228*** .49277439 SEMESTER_ Spring 1.6415463*** 1.83125** PHASE_#SEMESTER_ Phase 2#Spring .82446964 PHASE_#SEMESTER_ Phase 3#Spring .93510388 _cons .15351506*** .20309051*** .16518016*** .15699659*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chi2 8.546371 20.150958 49.579609 df N 2412 2412 2412 2412 aic 1894.0142 1880.7794 1867.5571 1871.0909 bic 1899.8024 1898.144 1890.71 1905.8202 rank 1 3 4 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ legend: * p<.05; ** p<.01; *** p<.001
Thanks in advance for your help!