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Please take a look at FAQ on how to post effectively and address your further queries to the General forum.
In the meantime, I would recommend you to take a comprehensive tour through the -xt- command suite in Stata .pdf manual. Thanks.
hi, I want to work panel- var model (unbalanced panel) in stata. I have 15 cross- section and 9 years. I want to know it's necessary that I test unit root and cointegration test or no??
Hi, I read many post in General forum and i didn't know that replacing missing data (in unbalance panel data) with zero is correct or no. can you help me to know it? thanks
Hi, I am new to Panel VAR. I have balanced panel data for 10 years, 52 countries where I have one dependent variable and other 5 independent variables. I have already finished the panel regression estimation. As I want to do Panel Var estimation, shall I use all variables or use only those variables (2 or 3) on which I am more interested. for example, I am interested to see the impact of X2 and X3 on Y but I have other X1, X4 and X5 control variables. In doing Panel VAR shall I use all 6 variables or only Y X2 X3?
Hi, I want to estimate panel- var model in stata for 9 year and In the form of quarterly data, my sections are three. my problem is that when I run model by pvarsoc, pvar or etc, The processing speed is very very slow, Can anyone please help me??