Dear users,
For my master's thesis I am trying to establish the most important determinants of inflation differentials in the EU-12 (12 countries) before and after the 2007 credit crisis. Following Licheron (2007), I'm using a dynamic panel model estimated by system-GMM in Stata. Having limited experience with Stata, I'm having difficulties with the xtdpsys commands in Stata.
I first want to do the system-GMM estimations for the period 1999-2007 for the EU-12 countries. Based on the literature, my model includes the following variables:
Dependent variable: infl (inflation)
Independent variables:
Moreover, I need to include time effects. My idea was to create time dummies for every year as below.
Taking into consideration all of the above, what would my xtdpsys command look like? Something like this maybe...
Having tried this, Stata tells me:
factor variables and time-series operators not allowed
I am aware that DP estimators are notorious for being very sensitive to model specification and instruments used, so I probably need to experiment with the amount of instruments used quite a bit. But I want to make sure I understand how to use the xtdpsys commands first (I read the help files on
I included my excel file with data if it helps anyone to give me advice.
Best regards,
For my master's thesis I am trying to establish the most important determinants of inflation differentials in the EU-12 (12 countries) before and after the 2007 credit crisis. Following Licheron (2007), I'm using a dynamic panel model estimated by system-GMM in Stata. Having limited experience with Stata, I'm having difficulties with the xtdpsys commands in Stata.
I first want to do the system-GMM estimations for the period 1999-2007 for the EU-12 countries. Based on the literature, my model includes the following variables:
Dependent variable: infl (inflation)
Independent variables:
- Assumed to be endogenous: gap (output gap)
- Assumed to be predetermined: l.infl (lagged inflation), fisc (fiscal position), prod_growth (productivity growth), l.ppp (lagged purchasing power parity)
- Assumed to be exogenous: l.dneer (lagged change of nominal effective exchange rate)
Moreover, I need to include time effects. My idea was to create time dummies for every year as below.
gen yr1999 = 0
replace yr1999 = 1 if year==1999
xtdpdsys infl l.dneer yr1999-yr2007, end(gap, lag(3/3)) pre(l.infl fisc prod_growth l.ppp, lag (2/2)) twostep noconstant vce(robust)
factor variables and time-series operators not allowed
I am aware that DP estimators are notorious for being very sensitive to model specification and instruments used, so I probably need to experiment with the amount of instruments used quite a bit. But I want to make sure I understand how to use the xtdpsys commands first (I read the help files on
I included my excel file with data if it helps anyone to give me advice.
Best regards,